Monday 10 July 2017

Delicious cupcake recipe

Hello, Tilly here.
Today i am i'm going to tell you how i make my delicious cupcakes.

You will need;
6oz unsalted butter
6oz caster sugar
3 eggs
6oz self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder

Other essentials;
Mixing bowl
Electric whisker
Wooden spoon

First thing you will need to do is to preheat your oven to 160 degrees Celsius.
Mix together the butter and sugar until it’s smooth and creamy.
then put the eggs in with your creamed butter and sugar and mix until the eggs are fully mixed it.
Sieve in the flour and then mix it all in.
Put in baking powder and mix it all in.

After that you can line your cupcake tin with cupcake cases, then spoon all your mixture into individual cupcake cases
And put them into the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes.

While they are cooking you start making your icing.

you will need;
Icing sugar
(lemon juice if you want a bit more flavoring)

Get some icing sugar and put it into a bowl, then add in your water and stir it until it’s mixed together and then do the same till you think you’ve got enough.

When your cupcakes are out of the oven and have fully cooled down (make sure your cupcakes are completely cool before you icing them because if you don't the icing will melt and drip off your cupcakes,) now you can start icing and decorating them. You can do this how you like, but i like to put a small teaspoon of icing sugar on my cupcake and spread it over with a knife and then put some sprinkles on it.

After that your cupcakes are done to be eaten and shared around with friends and family or to be put on a nice cake stand to look pretty

Thanking your reading, hope you enjoy your cupcakes.

Love Tilly

Sunday 28 May 2017

things you need for a holiday

the important things
1. passport
2. boarding pass
3. money
4. phone
5. electric plug converter 
6. keys (home and apartment/hotel)
7. wallet or purse 
8. credit card

cloths (if its warm)
1. underwear
2. sandals
3. bikini/swimming costume
4. flip flops
5. shorts
6. t-shirts
7. trousers (if its chilly)
8. dresses
9. shirt
10. hat
11. pj's
12. tom style shoes
13. trainers (if your planning to go on a walk)

cloths (if it's cold)
1. trousers
2. jeans
3. jumpers
4. sweatshirt
5. hoodie
6. boots
7. trainers
8. hat
9. scarf
10. gloves
11. jacket/coat

skin/hair care
1.sun cream
2. make up wipes
3. shampoo
4. conditioner 
5. moisuriser 
6. face mask 
7. body butter
8. body scrub
9. body wash
10. after sun

thank you for reading.
if you want a things not to bring on holiday comment down below.

Sunday 19 February 2017

4 reasons why you should go for walks


Today I'm going to tell you 4 thing of why you should go for walks

1. Think of things that might be on your mind
When I go for walks it often helps me think about things that might be worrying me or something that is on my mind at that time.

2. Getting out in the fresh air
Being in the fresh air is always good for your health because, it clears your head, it can boost your immune system, we need healthy immune systems to fight off illnesses and bugs you may have, The smells in fresh air takes stress away and increase happiness.

3. Saving money
The good thing about going for walks is that its free, unless you want some lunch or the place you went charges you to get in so then it wont be free.

4. Taking pictures
When you go for walks theres lots of thing you can take a picture of like, flowers, the view from the top of a hill. (here's some photos I took on a walk I was on.)

thank you for reading, please comment some blog ideas you want me to do

Thursday 9 February 2017

sealife centre trip 2017

Hello Tilly here.

On the 8th of February my class and the horticulture class went on a trip to Sealife Centre Scarborough.

my class - Helen, Alex, Keiran, Lucy, Charli, Jonny, jay, Megan, Shane, Sally, Orla, ta Sally, ta Lesley, Rob, ta Emma.

Horticulture group - Alex, Richard, Robert, Jonathan, ta Jane, Ben.

sealife centre

when we got there we waited for a bit for all the teachers to sort out the payment and then we all went in to see the first things.

the fish we sore were, crabs and sting rays and some other random fish.

Then Me, Helen, Megan and ta Sally went another way to see see the open tank and we saw lots of different types of fish, we even saw a Turtle.
After that, we went to see the Seals and we took some really funny pictures of them all.
Then after that we went to see the penguins, but unfortunately i didn't get any pictures of them.

when we finished looking at the Penguins we all met back up and went to have some lunch, then we walked around Scarborough for an hour and then drove back to college.
and that is were our trip was over.

thanks for reading like and comment and follow to see more blogs.

bye xx 

Thursday 26 January 2017

tropical World pictures

On the 23rd of January I went on a trip with the Monday college group to Tropical World, On the trip I took a lot of photos on my camera and today I am going to show you them.

Tropical world

Thursday 12 January 2017

amazing hot chocolate


Today I am going to tell you how to make a delicious hot chocolate, when you have make the actual hot chocolate powder.

Ingredients for the hot chocolate powder

200g quality dark chocolate (70%)
10 tablespoons quality cocoa powder
5 tablespoons Horlicks powder
5 tablespoons corn flour
5 tablespoons icing sugar (optional if you want it sweet)
2 pinches of ground cinnamon

put all the ingredients in to a bowl, mix it all together and put it all into a container of your choice.

ingredients for the hot chocolate
150ml of whole milk
1 heaped tablespoon of the chocolate powder
cream and marshmallows (optional)


1. Heat up the milk in a pan or in the microwave till its the heat you want it.
2. Spoon in the chocolate powder into a mug.
3. when the milk is heated up pour into the mug and then whisk it all together in till all the powder has dissolved.
4. put the topping you want on it and then your ready to have your awesome hot chocolate.

thank you for reading, if you make it please leave me a photo in the comments so I can see them.

Saturday 31 December 2016

shopping trip haul

today (31 December 2016) me and my mum went to monks cross to do some shopping with my Christmas money I got from my dad and nana and I am sorry to show the stuff I got to you.
(I will also leave a link to the stuff I bough if they have the item on their website.)

new look

sorry I couldn't find a link for this jumper.
this jumper was in the h&m in monks cross and it was £5.99.


sorry I couldn't find the link for these boots.
they boots are £25 the sales at evens at monks cross.


these checked leggings in Primark are £6.

thank you for reading.
comment and follow me for more blogs