Thursday 9 February 2017

sealife centre trip 2017

Hello Tilly here.

On the 8th of February my class and the horticulture class went on a trip to Sealife Centre Scarborough.

my class - Helen, Alex, Keiran, Lucy, Charli, Jonny, jay, Megan, Shane, Sally, Orla, ta Sally, ta Lesley, Rob, ta Emma.

Horticulture group - Alex, Richard, Robert, Jonathan, ta Jane, Ben.

sealife centre

when we got there we waited for a bit for all the teachers to sort out the payment and then we all went in to see the first things.

the fish we sore were, crabs and sting rays and some other random fish.

Then Me, Helen, Megan and ta Sally went another way to see see the open tank and we saw lots of different types of fish, we even saw a Turtle.
After that, we went to see the Seals and we took some really funny pictures of them all.
Then after that we went to see the penguins, but unfortunately i didn't get any pictures of them.

when we finished looking at the Penguins we all met back up and went to have some lunch, then we walked around Scarborough for an hour and then drove back to college.
and that is were our trip was over.

thanks for reading like and comment and follow to see more blogs.

bye xx 

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